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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Worse working experience ever -'-

- Edited -

Aw, very sadly I'd to make some changes to my blog post to make it less interesting because some too free nothing to do woofy went to report me to the police that I'm smearing his and his company's reputation. LOL. I guess he sees me as a threat too much that he stalks me all the way till my blog, aw :( Readers who have read the original post, please keep what I'd blogged in mind and beware of what you should be cautious of. For those that have missed it out and are interested to know about anything, you guys are welcome to talk to me in private regarding it :) Seriously stop acting like a gay shit please, a small matter like this and you wanna make sucha big fuss over it? Lame fuck.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog post is not to defame anybody, but to have freedom of speech to voice out about my personal experience and opinions. No stories have been made up or twisted, and no names have been mentioned throughout.


Hi readers, apologies if this post is gonna end up with full of insults and vulgarities because anger has seriously been coursing through my veins for this whole damn night. According to my post's title, I'll be blogging about this fucked up worse working experience ever in the whole of my 18 years of lifetime. Before I start, let me question all of you, why do we work/why is there a need for us to work? I supposed the answer pops up in your mind immediately after reading the question, because of money. AND THIS FUCKING BOSS/COMPANY I'D WORKED FOR REFUSED TO PAY ME FOR THE WORK I'D DONE FOR THEM. Reason being? According to him, 'suck work' delivered from me. In fact, he's unhappy with me and is finding excuses to not pay me. I've always believed in fair and equal treatments against employees regardless of how much mistakes the employees might have done, this is seriously too much. And no, I wasn't sacked. I chose to leave myself. It all started with terrible attitude given by the fucking boss. Ya I know, to sound logical employees are bound to put up with bosses no matter how bad the bosses are treating us. But to phrase it in a bad way, they are just bosses and not kings hello? Why do we have to tolerate all these shits like as if we're slaves of theirs when it's their own attitude that is the problem? This fucked up boss goes around fucking people upside down whenever he's in a bad mood without pointing out the exact reason(s). Boss so? As much as how xialan guailan laolan my previous bosses are, none of them have crossed the line of not paying me after work has been done. Besides that, the job scope of this position is so much more than what he had made it clear to me previously during the interview. I applied for an admin position, yet I ended up having to take care of the sales and customer service side as well? This is very unfair. And when I spoke to him about it nicely, he came up with tons of excuses trying to cover up his irresponsible act and also replied in a very rude and anal manner.

Below are screenshots of the text convo between him and I regarding what has happened, click on the images to have a clearer view of them.

This is how I'd started the conversation with him, explaining to him my difficulties regarding the job scope. And as you can see, I've already spoken in a nice and polite manner.

And this is how he fucking replied me, with fucked up attitude and at the same time pushing blames to me instead.

"Ur attendance is already the worst issue."
"But absent without proper informing is very very bad working attitude."
- I say screw you dude. I was only on MC for 2 fucking days, not 20 days. Absent without proper informing? I'd always made sure that there'd be someone else taking over my duties before absenting myself, and each and every time I'd let you know beforehand. You call that the 'worst issue'? 'Very very bad working attitude'? Screw you, seriously.

"How to tell u every job scope during a 10 mins interview with ur bf along???!!"
- Eh don't cock with me la seriously, you're obviously finding excuses to cover yourself up for this. YOU were the one who fucking told me to bring my boyfriend along into the interview room when we didn't even thought of doing so. And so what if my boyfriend was around? I don't see any link between his presence and you telling me the necessary stuffs I needa know -.- Cut your craps and excuses dude.

"No one complain abt other things u learn because we know u r new."
- DUH, there's nothing for them to complain about because I've been doing well all along -.-

I could have argued with him regarding his previous bullshit reply but still I chose to reply him in a polite way.

"Pay wise I will see how for suck work delivered."
- See how? SEE HOW?! Eh c'mon la don't treat me as a 3-year-old please, you'd have gone MIA and not pay me a single cent after I've returned you the office keys. I was very unhappy about this including him claiming that I've delivered 'suck work'. Therefore I argued back, but still I refrained myself from being rude.

Wow wow WOW, threatening with stern tone siolzxc I'm so scared. Go ahead and report as much as you want, you missed out the idea that I could report you for intimidating me as well :)

"Now u dun get a single cents"
- Proof of him not wanting to pay me a single cent, and I think he failed his English.

"if anything lost I will just report police"
- Assuming that I'd be so free to go rob your office? LOL, I'd rather spend my time sleeping at home dude.

"From the beginning till now, I never say I dun wan to pay u."
- Like I've said, don't treat me like a 3-year-old idiot.

"Also ur pay is based on temp pay monthly. How come change to $8/hr? U decide how much n when to pay or me??!!"
- You think I'm stupid or are you stupid? You wanna pay me $1.3k when I didn't even work for up till a month? I don't mind ^^

"by absent in wrk as u wished as has created lot of problems on our side. For eg Cust come to shop and no one is there. And calls no picked up."
- OH REALLY?! But as of what I know, you guys were the one who have created all these problems for fuck sake. Who was the one who helped to hold customers when you guys were late to meet them? Who was the one who helped to call customers up to put in good words so as to hold them when you guys were the one who were causing problems that have almost driven them away? Who was the one who always took up all the scoldings from customers for nothing just because of you guys? Touch your fucking conscience before you start pushing blames. Oh wait, perhaps yours have already been consumed by a dog huh?

"Well. I shouldnt say any further. Tats all. I give u till 10am."

No more reply after that.

As you guys can see, I'd already tolerated and given in throughout the whole conversation. As for him? I believe everyone of you has eyes to judge.

Now I finally understood why didn't anyone want to work for him for the past 2 years except for his friends/relatives/whoever people he knows. If he continues to persist to not pay me a single cent for what I'm deserved to get, I wouldn't hesitate further to report him and his company to MOM. You wanna make things difficult for me, I wouldn't make things any easier for you too. What goes around comes around dude, karma would slap you in your face and stab you on your back on my behalf someday. And no, idgaf about ruining his or his company's reputation or whatsoever. As the Chinese saying goes: "人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,礼让三分;人再犯我,斩草除根。" :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My views on young marriage and being a young parent

Hi everyone, as you can see from today's post title, yes I'll be blogging about this random topic that I've always wanted to blog on. Certain people may think that it's a very outrageous matter to get married at a young age (age 18 to 21) or be a young parent. But to me, I actually find it very cool to be a young and pretty wife/mommy. It is very important for a lady to maintain her looks, figure and everything especially after getting married and giving birth, unless you don't mind being antipathized by your husband -.- So yea, young mommies and wives would definitely still make an effort to look good, doll themselves up and keep themselves young. While compared to those that get married or give birth at an older age? Most of them would have already gotten too lazy to bother about all these 'redundant' stuffs. Being a young parent might also avoid communication problems with your child due to the short age gap. My 9-year-old sister once told me she wished to have a young and pretty mommy who's around my age.. Well you see, words of a 20th century kid prove it all.

However, there're definitely pros and cons in these two issues. Marriage and having kids would either strengthen a couple's relationship, or ruin it. It all depends on how strong your love is and how you maintain the relationship, as there'd definitely be new obstacles for you and your love to conquer hand in hand. Guys would grow and change in 3 stages of their life. Firstly when he starts to serve the nation, secondly when he becomes a rightful husband, and lastly when he becomes a responsible father. I've always wondered how much would my dearest boy grow and change if I ever have the chance to go through these 3 crucial stages of his life with him.. I know it's silly and naive to make plans for the future now, but yea, if we could really make it through all I'd really wish for my last name to be changed by him as young as possible :')

Went to some baby maker morphing website to try out on how would our future baby look like...

This is when he/she is a baby. I couldn't determine the gender so I presumed to be a she, since I prefer having a daughter to a son :P

And this is when he/she grows up. Boyf said that the daughter looks like me, but I think the son cuter leh :(

Hahaha anyways it was just for fun! Just a lil update on my life.. Boyf and I have been fine already, in fact way better than before. Thanks a million to those who have showed concern, I truly hope this lasts :) As for me myself, I've been all busy and tired with work. Nope not at the one I've mentioned previously, am working in a printing company named JAPrintz/Elepha Print Studio now. Have been communicating with Malaysian colleagues almost every single day, I hope I won't end up speaking their tone anytime soon -_-

Shall end this post with my big fat face and my new xmm haircut...

Almost everyone said that I look better with this haircut, but I think I look like a kid lor z.z What do you think?

Friday, August 12, 2011


"We are turning into dust, playing house in the ruins of us. Running back through the fire when there's nothing left to say, it's like chasing the very last train when it's too late. It's tearing me up, I tried to hold on but it hurts so much, I tried to forgive but it's not enough, to make it all okay.."

What can I do? Watching everything going downhill yet there's nothing I could do to make it right. It takes two hands to clap, just me myself isn't strong enough to fight it through. I tried to talk things out but things always turned out ugly at the end instead. I thought that you've understood me inside out throughout these 5 months but now I guess I was wrong, you've never known me at all. It hurts so much when you said that pretty often I care for myself, ONLY. People that have been with me through this all should know how much I prioritize you in my life, many times even before myself. But in your eyes, I can't believe that you're seeing and feeling otherwise.. It's okay, it's alright, someday you will realize everything. When will that 'someday' comes? I don't know. I've done my part, now all that's left to do is just to hope. Hope that things would change for the better soon, hope that happiness would come knocking at our door soon like how it used to.. Sometimes my mind gets so sick and tired that it pleads my heart to stop trying and give it all up, but it seems like it's never possible for my heart to let itself down and give up on someone it truly loves..

Baby boy I just want you to know that even though things might have changed, my love for you will never change. If our love is strong nothing will go wrong, are we strong enough to conquer all? Happy 5th monthsary in advance my dear, I hope we'll make it through. I love you, always do, always will..

I may be overwhelmed with sadness everyday, I may be soaking my pillow with tears everyday, but as much as everything hurts and kills me inside I will never fall. For you, for us, for myself, I will stay strong and keep going on. Time passes people change shits happen but life still has to go on..

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Day 4 - What you wear to bed

Nothing special, usually tees with shorts or spags with shorts. I've always desired to wear chemises like...

But I doubt I'd ever feel comfortable wearing it unless I'm living under the same roof with just my boyfriend/husband and nobody else. Speaking of it, I wonder when would the day come? Hmmm.


Went for a job interview on Tuesday for an admin assistant position. Initialed plan was to have boyf going along with me, but I decided to let him rest at home upon seeing him sleeping so soundly. Had only 3 hours of sleep and was suffering from a terrible headache all thanks to the fucking renovation upstairs, early in the morning drill drill drill knock knock knock. So fucked up that I got prepared and rushed out of the house as fast as I could. Had sucha hard time getting to my workplace, which is Bt Batok Enterprise Center. Thanks ah Google Map, you never fail to provide me the longer and more tiresome route everytime -_- Oh ya, not forgetting to mention about the insane crippled old man that I've met when I was on the bus and waiting for bus! There was this crippled old man staring at me non-stop while I was waiting for the bus, I didn't realize it at first as I was busy using my phone and listening to music. After awhile I sensed something odd, so I looked up and saw him staring at me and blabbering nonsense to me! Omfg. My earphones were still in though, hence I didn't hear what exactly he was saying. I assumed he's insane. He boarded the same bus as me, and took the backseats initially. But when he saw the empty seat beside me, HE FUCKING CAME TO SIT BESIDE ME AND CONTINUED STARING AND BLABBERING NONSENSE TO ME. I felt so helpless and terrified, yet there was nothing I could do except for ignoring him and continuing to use my phone and listen to my music T.T Thank god a Malay uncle came to my rescue after witnessing the situation, he gave the insane man some money and told him to move away. Phew, what a kind soul. Okay so I went for the interview and got selected! And my boss looks like the singer Nicky Lee aka 李玖哲, LOL. I don't really like the working environment as it is more like a warehouse environment, but well I guess I should just suck it up and make do with it since economies are hard and it's difficult to get a job now.

Called boyf after I'm done with everything and decided to meet him up for KOI, dinner and movie. Headed down to AMK Hub, and we had our ice-cream milk tea and pepper lunch as usual. Caught the movie 'Twisted', baby treated me to the movies while I treated him dinner ♥

I find the movie just average la, rating it 3/5. Actress Linda is gorgeous. Some parts were quite funny, but my baby boy's silly actions made me laughed even harder hahaha. Love this silly boy of mine so much <3 Headed back to Woodlands after movie and bought pasar malam food home to eat. Will be starting work next Monday :) I wanna get my Canon 600D!!!

One week back a reader requested me to post a screenshot of my homescreen and messages section of my phone up, so here it is~

You can click on the pictures for a clearer view! Hope I did helped ;) xx

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 3 - What kind of person attracts you

Okay, honest and realistic hour mode on in this post. What kind of person attracts me? Guys definitely, I'm an extremely straight person ._. Guys who are tall, having long legs that would make you look attractive in skinny jeans is no doubt a bonus point. Guys who are neat and dress up well, SLOPPY GUYS AND GUYS THAT HAVE DRY LIPS ARE A HUGE TURN OFF. Guys who have sharp face contours, having a lil 'bad boy' look and feel would be so much better h3h3. Guys who are gentlemen, considerate about his life and future, faithful and serious in relationships, not a player and don't flirt, not a smoker, knowing when to be serious and mature and when to be fun and loving.

But of course, no one is perfect in this world and what matters most is the feelings. And right this moment, no one would ever attract me more than...

This baby boy of mine ♥
P/S: Jayden Cheah don't smile smile when you see this hor!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 2 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?

The past 2 years had been the toughest life path in the whole of my 18 years, yet the path that has made me grown and learnt and made me who I am today. How have I changed in the past 2 years... I'd say my mindset, and my perspectives in life? Throughout the past 2 years, I've met all sorts of bullshits people and guys. We've all shed tears for people who don't give a fucking damn about us, admit it. So yup, in my perspective 80% of the guys in this world are nothing but bullshits. They treat girls like toys, they bring you up and leave you hanging then make you fall yet fail to be there to catch you. When they're interested in you, they mesmerize you with their sweet-o-nothings every day and night. But when they start to get sick of you, they turn their back at you without uttering a single word. Girls, be wise and never give up hope just because of these 80% of bullshits existing in this world. Heaven made us meet them so that we'd learn and cherish the rare 20% when we meet them, I'm a living example here :)

As for all the bullshits people that have came and gone in my life, thank you for making me realized that what doesn't kill me actually make me stronger and screw you for trying to break me apart. These people made me realized how scary this world is and how everyone (except for your closed ones) lives with a mask on. One moment they could be nice to you in front of you, the next moment they could be turning into another person behind your back. Don't ever trust anyone, for sometimes we can't even trust ourselves. You can trust your family and your significant other, but not all the time though. And always remember, everyone only deserves a second chance if they ever break your trust. And that second chance, is what you've given them to change and learn to cherish you more than how they used to. So if they ever asked for a third, fourth or fifth chance, don't be foolish. THEY DON'T DESERVE YOUR TRUST.

I've also learnt that time passes people change, but the memories created in our hearts will never be erased. And most importantly, no matter how much boundaries life throws us, sometimes all we can do is just to say "fuck it" and continue to go on and move on in life. Don't rely on anyone in this world but yourself, because at the end all that you're left with is only yourself and nobody else.

As I faced failures after failures in studies, my mindset towards it has also changed. I still remember how nonchalant I was towards studies, skipping school, not focusing in class and etc... If I ever had a chance to lead 2009 again, I'd definitely make a difference. Not that I've no turning point in life now or anything, at least I could still pursue a private diploma (or more) and not ending up with nothing. But after all, government certs are definitely better than private certs isn't it? In my perspective, we're seriously nothing without a proper cert in this society. If you're reading this and you're given a chance to make a difference for yourself, please please please cherish it. Nothing is impossible, if there's a will there's a way. Remember, time doesn't stop for anyone. Once you missed it, there's no turning back anymore.

Alright alright, enough of all the life truths. Let's now take a look at how I've changed in terms of looks in the past 2 years...

I think the greatest obvious change is my hair? Which many people have told me, "nothing much of you have changed except for your hair ha ha ha". What about you? How much do you think I have changed in terms of looks for the past 2 years?

I am now a girl that don't trust anybody except for my family and my boyfriend, a girl that has learnt how to set my life priorities right with what I've seen and faced. I build walls to protect myself from getting hurt, and I shed tears not because that I'm weak by nature. I shed tears because I've been trying too hard to be strong, until I slowly got sick and tired and not wanting to try anymore. I am who I am today, because of the mistakes I've made yesterday.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hi blogger, yes I'm back to blogging because my inspiration to write is back. But well, life has been too mundane for me to blog about anything interesting. So I've decided to do the 30 days challenge whereby I'd have a different topic to blog about everyday. I'll start with day 1 today, "weird things you do when you're alone".

Hmmm, instead of weird things I do when I'm alone, I'd rephrase the topic to things I do alone that others might not have known about it? When I'm alone at home, I'd look up for instrumental music on youtube and start singing along with it. And once I start doing so, it'd be almost impossible for me to stop. Ha. I'd even record my singing at times. Except for that, I'd spend hours looking into the mirror playing with my hair. By 'playing', I meant trying out different hairstyles to see if I'd look good with 'em. Sometimes I'd also google and research about stuffs I'm curious about, like for instance symptoms for a particular sickness and etc. Last but not least, perhaps the least expected one, is that I'd browse through kinky images on tumblr. Nope don't read too much into it, I just personally find those images artistic and so. Yeah. When I'm alone in the dark, I'd tend to get paranoid out of no reason and start to feel lonely and think a lot. Which is what I really hate, yet unable to do anything about it. Oh yes, there's something I LOVE to do when I'm alone. S-T-A-L-K-I-N-G, especially when it comes to my boyfriend. There was once I went to the extreme of clicking on his 'older posts' on his facebook wall till I saw 'there are no more wall posts to display', and going to his ex-girlfriend(s)'s blogs to read what they have blogged about during the period they were together. Has anyone ever believed that I'm this scary? *evil laughs*

Yup, these are the usual things I'd do when I'm alone that prolly no one has known about it. What about you? What weird things do you do when you're alone?

P/S: I'd still be more active on twitter and tumblr, follow me now! X

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 2nd monthsary my dearest baby boy, I love you ♡

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Amanda saeng-il chugha! ♥

Yep, it was younger sis's 13th birthday last 31st. Dined at Ajisen, and had our usual cake cutting celebration on the eve. This year's celebration was a rather tedious one. The atmosphere was dense and all, and it was pretty sad that dad and dearest boy didn't join us :\ Neo came over to give younger sis a surprise visit along with a birthday gift for her the next day, the both of us (Neo and I) then ended her big day off with some Pizza Hut delivery treats. Hope that younger sis did enjoyed her day with us even though it wasn't a very eventful one, afterall it's the thought that counts isn't it? ☺

Okay so, life has been really really mundane. To phrase it in a negative way, I'm practically wasting my life away. Found a job previously, but decided to forsake it 3 days later since it doesn't suit me. Dearest boy and I are alright, in fact we're getting better than before after our getaway trip. Fam and studies wise, issues and issues here there and everywhere... Well, parts and parcels of life I supposed? If I could really use a wish right now, I'd wish for nothing except for being happy with my loved ones around me ♡

Genting post up next, am feeling sexcited editing the photos~ Stay tune lovelies! X

Ending this post with two of my current favorites...