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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello effyeahmichelle, goodbye to the 2 years 9 months old bang-thatwatermelon :') Initially I wanted fuckyeahmichelle instead (as inspired from tumblr), but some dimwit stole my idea right after I'd tweeted and facebook-ed about it. Loser much? And so, Faith came out with this awesome effyeahmichelle idea for me. Why effyeah? You might question. Well eff signifies the alphabet letter F, and fyeah signifies the abridgement of fuckyeah. Thus, effyeahmichelle! The earlier posts of bang-thatwatermelon are still in my archives anyway, I just couldn't convince myself to part with them.

I'm still in the process of editing my overdue photos (merely the contrast), and I promise to be back with my usual long and proper post soon after I'm done with all of them yes? Just in case you miss my face...

H3h3h3. Life's somewhat fine and mundane, kthxbai.

P/S: Follow @effyeahmichelle on twitter and formspring me @effyeahmichelle and I'll love you more ;)

Often we find ourselves moving on, but wanting to go backwards in time. We find comfort in what we've done in the past, and although we're enjoying the present, we can't stop thinking how amazing the past was and how much we'd give to be able to go back. We want to make the best of now, but we just can't seemed to let go of the past. I guess looking back on the past is okay, but we should never live in the past. Always make the best of today, because someday, today will become part of your past too. - twistkissbliss

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